Customer Insights
Deadlines are tough to keep since new requirements are coming in almost daily.
You stumble into difficulties to produce effective results due to permanent capacity overload?
Expectations are high and are causing a lot of pressure.
Internal communication and processes hold you (and the team) back?
Sometimes you could scream out loud since everything takes too much time?
Meetings are inefficient, boring or do not really help?
The agile environment is putting you and your team into more and other issues than expected?
My in-depth customer insights gained through long term roll out projects with practical expertise in project management and customized trainings helped my clients create sustainable, organic change.
My clients are international players having sent me to their sites for training and coaching. We also used state of the art technologies to ease working remotely.
Richard Grillenbeck
Since more than 18 years I have been working in international teams as trainer, project manager, roll out manager and business coach. The pressure, deadlines, high expectations to deliver perfect results in almost no time and also intercultural fun – I had it all. And I stronlgy believe that one can take it if certain conditions are met. That is why I love to work as trainer and coach.
I speak German as my mother tongue and love to talk in English to people coming from many different countries. In France and Italy I can survive understanding the basics.
As a coach I support you in changing. Changing processes, ways of communication, methods of cooperation. To serve my German coaching clients I have written a book together with Jürgen Schimmel: TEMP-Coaching is available in German bookstores and online shops. Visit my blog to read more about it.
As certified trainer I assist you in international training roll outs bringing change and new processes into the teams.
As active member and chapter host of International Coach Federation I pledge to the code of ethics of ICF.
Your training and coaching needs are the driver for developing my competencies for you.
My business coaching is tailored for international teams and IT-professionals since my working career is based on practical experiences in these kinds of environments.
Each team has different structures, roles and processes. Asking the right questions, bringing in my expertise and knowledge assists you and your team to get the results you, your team and both internal and external customers want. You will find solutions for maintaining mutual respect and effective collaboration with each other.
As a business coach I understand that we live in a volatile, uncertain, complex and amiguous world. Working on both individual and team level reinforces strength, power and engagement of all involved parties.
Coaching your team creates smooth processes, better and deeper connections between team members and the neccessary changes implemented to bring the team to the next level of cooperation.
Key Benefits
A business coach supports companies and individuals at every stage of change collaborating with all levels of your business. A business coach understands issues, behaviors and what they reveal and asks the right questions.
Therefore a business coach helps you to…
- overcome obstacles you are facing daily
- break down barriers to innovation within your firm
- implement change with a smooth transition phase
- better cooperate within your team
- align your strategy with your key objectives and goals
- grow effectively in your personality
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the markets I have served include healthcare, telecommunications, engineering services, distance education/ e-learning, sport clothing, insurance, and consulting.
I am proud of my ability to learn the fundamentals of virtually any industry or technology quickly. Having said that, I believe that the value I bring to the table is not industry expertise — which you already possess in abundance — but rather an understanding of what coaching clients need and what training roll outs profit from.
Coaching sessions that provide action, results and also fun. With my profound education you can rely on serious and sensitive coaching. Looking at my expertise in global training roll outs and CRM projects you can trust my competencies for a successful change in our organization.
Every coaching is unique. However, some fairly common steps include the following:
- Initial discussion to understand your basic needs (no cost for you, just bring openess and some time)
- Set the contract (usually 5-10 coaching sessions)
- Get-to-know session (approx 1,5 h) to clarify your values, goals and other relevant information
- Coaching sessions – your actions between the sessions are more important, though
- Coach you your preferred way to reach the desired goals
- Provide ongoing support, including emaila and phone calls at no additional charge.
Depending on how we structure the coaching, you should expect to spend 5-10 hours in coaching sessions and then work the same or more amount of time on your homework and actions between the sessions over the course of a typical engagement.
„It was great to meeting with you on the project. I’ve learned, admired you, and am trying to follow your style, how to work or how to treat other people such nicely.“
Business Strategy — Japan
„Working with you has been a wonderful experience; and I thank you for your supportive engagement always.
We do continue to stay in touch!“
CRM Head — India
„All the best Richard and thank you for sharing your expertise so willingly to help me support our users down under.“
Product Specialist — Australia
„[Richard] erzielt durchgehend in der Beurteilung unserer Seminarteilnehmer/innen nur die allerbesten Benotungen. Es werden ihm jeweils sowohl die hohe fachliche Kompetenz als auch die hervorragenden didaktischen Fähigkeiten bescheinigt. Hervorgehoben wird jeweils, daß der Consultant sehr klar und strukturiert vorgeht, sowie Fragen sehr eingehendund geduldig beantwortet. Kurzum – der Consultant ist unser Toptrainer für Internet-Schulungen und wir setzen Ihnen jederzeit gerne ein.“
Training Center Manager — adidas, Herzogenaurach
„[Richard hat] zwei Eigenschaften, die ihm in unserem Projekt eine Sonderstellung eingeräumt haben: Erstens, die Gabe, für ihn fremde Geschäftsprozesse sehr schnell zu erfassen, Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und diese dann in ein verständliches Konzept umzusetzen. Zweitens, seine Art, Wissen zu vermitteln, mit Menschen umzugehen, auf Fragen/Anliegen der Anwender einzugehen, ohne das gesteckte Ziel zu verfehlen, ist bewundernswert und kann mit wenigen Worten nicht beschrieben werden.“
Project Manager — Siemens Dematic, München
„[Richard Grillenbeck] war über einen mehrmonatigen Zeitraum als Trainer […] tätig. Aufgrund seiner Sachkenntnis und seiner großen Trainingskompetenz erfüllte seine Arbeit höchste Qualitätsansprüche. Sein Verhalten [ist] durch ein hohes Maß an Professionalität, Zuverlässigkeit, Unkompliziertheit und Flexibilität gekennzeichnet. Wegen seiner Integrität kann man dem Consultant als externem Mitarbeiter völlig bedenkenlos auch sehr vertrauliche interne Informationen für die Erfüllung seiner Aufgabe zur Verfügung stellen. Wir möchten auch in Zukunft sehr gerne wieder mit dem Consultant zusammenarbeiten.“
Project Manager — Siemens Business Services (now Atos), München
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